Rajasthan Sampark aims towards providing citizens with a centralized platform where any citizen of the state can lodge his/ her grievances to the respective departments. It primarily consists of a State level Call Center with integrated web portal which will act as a single point of contact for addressing and redressing various citizen centric queries and grievances related to government services. Citizens can lodge their grievances against any government department/ office through this portal and the grievance will further be sent to the respective office/ department for redressal.

Through Rajasthan Sampark, Government of Rajasthan intends to achieve all important aspects of good governance viz. Robust Delivery System, Transparency, Communication, Grievance Redressal and Sensitivity towards citizens.


Contact Us
Department of Administrative Reforms
Shree H. L. Atal (RAS)
Phone: 91(141)-2922825, 0141-2385077
Address: – Food Building, Second Floor, Room No – 7220
Department of Information Technology and Communications
G K Sharma (Additional Director & GM (RISL)),
IInd Floor, Library Building,
Government Secretariat,
Jaipur- 302005 (Raj), India
Contact : 91(141)-2922543, 2922272; Toll Free – 181
E-mail : rajsampark@rajasthan.gov.in
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