BJP state president Dr. Satish Poonia targeted the Congress government and police on the U-turn on the Alwar deaf and deaf minor gang rape case while addressing a press conference in Jaipur.
Dr. Poonia said that, a very gruesome incident has happened in Alwar, Rajasthan, before the 2019 Lok Sabha elections, there was an incident in Thanagaji of Alwar, but due to the Lok Sabha elections, the Congress government took up the issue for several days. was pressed.

On the Alwar minor gang-rape case, Dr. Poonia said that, on Wednesday, two headlines appeared in the newspapers, one of which was the headline of Congress National General Secretary Priyanka Gandhi’s family came to celebrate her birthday in Ranthambore, the headlines of the newspaper was that the Gandhi family was blessed with Riddhi-Siddhi. On the other hand, a news is published, in which a traumatic incident with a minor deaf and deaf minor girl in Alwar, which tarnished the whole state, the operation of the girl was done for several hours in Jaipur, the doctors who did the surgery say that God forbid that We have to do such surgeries again in life.

This news makes headlines in the media of the entire state and country, after several days, after taking a U-turn, the Alwar SP says in a press conference that there is no evidence of rape, in the background before this, the ministers of the government go to the hospital to know the condition of the victim. 3.50 lakh as compensation for rape, SIT is constituted, U-turn of police-administration raises questions without the report of SIT.

Has there been a U-turn to save Priyanka Gandhi from this calamity, the whole country knows that there has been a flood of crimes in a peaceful state like Rajasthan in three years, 6 lakh 51 thousand cases have not been registered in the history of Rajasthan till date. Rape cases, which were 5310 last year, increased to 6333 in 2021, an increase of 1027 cases and a gradual increase of 11 percent every year in the state, this proves that the Iqbal of the Congress government of Rajasthan is over. .

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