India is a big developed name now. Our nation has made a lot of advancements and developments in almost every field, from culture to technology. No field has remain untouched and the stars of our nation have left no stone unturned to take the country to new heights. But what makes India a unique name is its rural background. The rural areas and villages are the roots or we can say the backbone of our country.
Agriculture is still the main source of income of our nation and tourists all over the world are always fascinated by the history and culture of our country. In the fast paced life, people are trying their best to make efforts in order to live a comfortable and happy life. To chase their dreams, majority of people have moved out of villages and left the real roots behind.
Jaipur Explore has come up with a mission to bring back the colors of those forgotten villages and rural areas. Each and every person in India has his/her roots in a village. The grandfathers, great grandfathers and other ancestors belonged to those places and then they relocated to other places.
Jaipur Explore strives to bring to the notice of the whole world, the story of these forgotten rural areas. It is an appeal to all the people that they should research about the story related to the names of the villages they belong to. Every name given to any village has an interesting story attached to it.
Jaipur Explore invites stories from people related to the names of their villages. We will cover these stories in online as well as offline modes and will present them in front of the whole world. The rural India should be brought back in action and be made to shine like a scintillating star. These real interesting stories would definitely promote tourism in the rural areas and finally in India.
For more information, please contact
Vikram Singh Dhodhliya
Contact Number: 9983727152
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