Style is about copying. About ‘tracing’, and ‘copying’ and ‘then rendering from memory’. The more you trace, copy and render from memory, the more the concepts mix in your brain. And eventually one day—and that day isn’t very far—you’ll have a style of your own? This one can be a little tricky, because everyone’s style is so different that you could easily just end up with a bunch of stuff that doesn’t really suit you or your aesthetic.


Style comes from within, from knowing who you are and who you want to be; not from wanting to be somebody else, or wanting to be thinner, shorter, taller.

This is my style, & I stand by it forever! (1) This is my style, & I stand by it forever! (2)

But style is personal. There is no herd to follow. There are no rules. There are no seasons. A lot of us are intimidated by the idea of putting a stake in the ground & saying, “This is my style, & I stand by it forever!” The good news is that you absolutely, categorically do not have to do this! It’s totally normal, and in fact, encouraged, for our style to change constantly. Don’t feel like you have to commit to anything. If you can view your path of personal style growth as an evolution

All this sounds great in theory, but finding your own style can be a daunting prospect.

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