Today is the Dwitiya Tithi (second day of Navratri) Goddess Brahmacharini- the 2nd form of NavDurga is worshipped. This year the second day of Navratri falls on April 14, 2021 (Wednesday). Goddess Brahmacharini is the unmarried form of Goddess Parvati. Brahmacharini is an amalgamation of two words, Brahma means penance and charni means conduct. Brahmacharini together means one who conducts tenacity.


Goddess Brahmacharini is depicted as walking on bare feet. She has two hands, carrying Jap Mala in the right hand and Kamandal in the left hand.


Chaitra Navratri Day 2: Timings

Sunrise: 05:57

Sunset: 18:46

Moonrise: 07:15

Moonset: 20:49

Dwitiya tithi up to 12:47

Chaitra Navratri Day 2: Rituals

Devotees on the second day of Navratri get up early in the morning and after taking a bath, worship and offer prayers, do Atma puja for self-purification after that put sandalwood tilak on the deity and make a wish in front of the Goddess. At last, offer preased and perform arti.

Source #Indiatoday

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