Upendra Shashtri


Convoy Control Club


Shashank Basotia

Hotel Heritage Thikana, Nawalgarh

Former District President, Jhunjhunu


Jai Singh Rathore

Politician, Social Activist

RRTA senior Advisor

Amit Pal Singh

RRTA Member

(i) The membership of the Association shall be open exclusively to such concerns, companies and individuals who enjoy a good professional reputation and Goodwill in the travel Industry.
(ii) All applications for membership must be made on the prescribed form and must be proposed by two active members.

(iii) Membership Committee shall be constituted by the Managing Committee in the chairmanship of Joint Secretary. Such committee shall comprise such number of members as the Management Committee may decide, but having not less than two members. The applications for membership shall be scrutinized and recommended by the Membership Committee to the Managing Committee (MC) for approval. The decision of the MC with respect to the grant of membership shall be final and binding on the applicant concerned

(iv) while applying for membership, aspirants have to nominate a maximum of two Representatives in the prescribed manner (But the representation will be done by – 1- representative at one time, in any of the meetings, events and election of the Association). Only the sole proprietor or the partner or a full-time director or the Chief Member Officer, as the case may be, shall be eligible to be so nominated; provided that the member may at any time revoke the authority of the representative and nominate someone else in the manner prescribed subject to the eligibility stated above

(v) Registered office of the Association shall maintain proper record/ one or more registers of all Active, Allied and Honorary Members containing information about them, as may be prescribed

(vi) Every member shall notify the General Secretary of a change in his address or any other particular entered in the above-said registers within fifteen days of such change.

Categories of membership:
The membership of the Association shall be composed of:
a) Active members
b) Allied Members
c) Nominated Allied Members
d) Honorary Members
a) Active Members: would be eligible to become Active Members who shall have the right to vote in the elections of the Association or any other meeting as the case may be
b) Allied Members: The Allied members shall have the right to participate in the activities of the association except the right to vote in the elections of the Association or any other meeting as the case may be
c) Nominated Allied Members: The Nominated Allied Members will be represented on the Managing Committee (MC) of the Association through -2- Members (from Hotels/Domestic Airlines/ domestic cruise liner/ railways) and they shall be nominated by the Managing Committee (MC). The Allied members shall have the right to participate in the activities of the association except the right to vote in the elections of the Association or any other meeting as the case may be
d) Honorary Membership: The Managing Committee may invite persons who have distinguished themselves by their services to the tourism and travel industry in the National or International field to become Honorary Members of the association. Such members shall be invited to the association only by the unanimous vote of all
the members of the Managing Committee (MC). The Honorary Members shall not have the right to vote in the elections of the Association or any other meeting as the case may be
e) Categories of “Overseas Allied Members” and “Associate Members” are abolished as there is no such member.
5. Membership Fee:
Member Admission Fee Subscription
a) Active Member Rs.2100.00
b) Allied Member Rs.2100.00                                                                                    c) Honorary Member Rs. 21000/-

Resolved that the subscription to be increased from 30000/- to Rs.35000/- w.e.f. 1st August 2022

6. Termination of membership
a) Resignation: A member may resign from membership and upon acceptance of his resignation by the Managing Committee (MC) he shall cease to be a member
b) Default in payment of arrears: The annual subscription of members shall become due on 1st April of each year. If any member fails to pay his subscription beyond the period of 31 July of each year or fails to pay any other dues in the stipulated time, the General Secretary shall issue a notice to him through certified posts/mail/email, requesting for payment of such dues and if this payment is not made within 30 days from the date of the receipt of the notice, the member will be deemed defaulter and the Managing Committee (MC) has the right to cancel the membership of such Member.

c) Disciplinary Action: A Member of the Association may be expelled/ suspended on account of disciplinary action taken by the Association on following acts of a Member that shall be construed as ‘Misconduct”:
(i) Conviction of the Member by the Court for criminal and/ or economic offence
(ii) Any act of the Member against the interests of the Association or Travel and Tourism industry
(iii) Writing, posting, forwarding any post that defames, maligns, damage the image of the Association/ its Managing Committee, on any social, print media including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, WhatsApp, Instagram etc
(iv) Writing any circular, article, comment through letter/ email/ circular to the Member/s of the Association, that contain derogatory and defamatory language about the Association, its Managing Committee
(v) Noncompliance of any of the directions of the Managing Committee duly approved in the General House
(vi) Unruly behaviour or activity of the Member during any meeting/ conference/ conclave/FAM/event/convention etc. of the Association resulting in disruption of the meeting/ conference/ event or bringing disrepute or damage to the name and cause of the Association
(vii) A Member being declared Proclaimed Offender or Undischarged insolvent or bankrupt by the court
(viii)Any other act of the Member that may cause financial loss/ disrepute/ administrative difficulties in carrying out aims and objects of the Association
(ix) Any act of the member disregarding/violating the terms and
conditions/procedures/Rules and Regulations contained in MOA and Bye-laws of the Association

Online Fees Transfer Details. (Only in Indian Rupees)

Those wishing to make an Online Transfer for payments related to Membership can do so to our varied process. Details are as follows:

Name of the Account Holder:  Vikram Singh
Type of Account:  Online payment method
Google Pay:   9983727152
Paytm:              9983727152
Phonpay:         9983727152

We will do the confirmation Text Msg to the number when the transfer has been done so that we can track the payment. For Membership, email us at [email protected]


Become RRTA Member by filling out the form below.
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