Collective Yoga and Vandematram Program was organized at the SMS stadium on the closing ceremony of traditional games under the auspices of Rajasthan Yuva Board and Hindu Adhikshmi Seva Foundation.In which Vandematram song was presented under the Voice of Unity program by 500 musicians, along with world famous musician Jodi Kalyan Ji Anand Ji. Foundation secretary Somkant Sharma said that on 8th November, at 8 am, thousands of students of hundreds of schools, colleges and universities of Jaipur city organized mass yoga and Vandematram songs.In which the national anthem was sung by Tushar Bhatia with Kalyan Ji Anand.In this program Chief Minister Vasundhara Raje’s main hospitality was organized by 50,000 students and youth and 20,000 citizen social activists and public representatives by organizing the national anthemand 500 musicians, along with almost 500 musical instruments, presented many presentations of Vandematram Grand Symphony with patriotism which was a unique initiative in itself.Foundation Chairman Subhash Bapna said that for the purpose of arranging this vast and immense program, hundreds of workers have been engaged in different types of arrangements which have taken various types of arrangements and NSS, NCC, NYKS, Scouts, Guides and self-helpers in the number of hundreds too were responsible for the arrangements, Handled.

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Somkant Sharma said that Swami Vivekananda Rath Yatra spread the propaganda of this huge program spreading to the streets and schools of the city of Jaipur city.

In this program, the silent deaf students also joined and the country expressed feelings of devotion. The main objective of this program was to awaken the spirit of patriotism especially in youth power.

Somkant Sharma said that in December 1905, Vandematram was given the status of the national song, and Vandematram was used as the most popular slogan during the Bang Bhang movement.

This song written by Bankim Chandra Chatterjee has been worshiped by Bharat Mata. Maharishi Arvind has translated this song into English too.

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