The Shahabad Fort, constructed in 1521 is an ancient fort situated in the Shahabad town of district Baran. It is called as one of the strongest fort of the Hadoti region. Located almost 80 kms from Baran, the Shahabad fort is said to be constructed by a Chauhan Rajput Mukatmani Dev. It is surrounded by dense plains, forests and the Kund Koh valley.


There are some notable structures within its walls which are historically significant. Some temples are also located inside the fort premises and the structure is extremely beautiful and noteworthy. According to facts, this fort had 18 powerful cannons and one amongst them was 19 feet long. It is also believed that Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb lived in the fort for some time.


It is one of a major tourist attractions in Baran but needs immediate attention by the concerned departments. The infrastructure is getting ruined and needs to be taken care so that it can regain its importance and worth. If it is given proper care and attention by the authorities, it can prove to be a major game changer for Rajasthan tourism industry.



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JE Kota Editor

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