She was born two months premature to an Muslim mother.She is Teacher, Social Worker. She spent a lot of time with Kids and  making They feel comfortable and safe. She made they feel  loved. Gazal and her Father Mr. Sayeed,  are shown at home in Jaipur. “Education is the only thing that’s going to get you into higher position brackets, unless you are one in a million,” she says. But she also has seen hope restored and lives changed. That part, she experienced first hand.

Gazal,  grew up on a middle Class Family and never shied from hard work. In fact, she went to work earlier, Through the years, Gazal was the only constant in Teaching Line, especially Kindergarten . She came to visit slum area and took Small kids out to lunch. She talked to them on their level, and genuinely cared what they were saying. On their birthdays, she   send a card. She knew some kids in slum Area that could not stand their Social Worker .  But She was friend of her student or poor kids.

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When it came time to start college, Gazal knew what she wanted to be when she ‘grew up’. She wanted to be a Teacher & Social Worker. She wanted to be a friend to a child, who need her. When she graduated from Maharani College  Jaipur with Associate of Arts, She applied to the School of Mrs Gattani School. She wanted paid her own tuition to the University of Rajasthan with worked two part-time jobs in addition to running her Father’s business. She applied and got an interview. When She was in the Interview, one of the questions the interviewers asked was “why do you want to work with children primarily?”  she smiled and said “I love kids’. She was acting in the best interest of the children.


“People who receive social assistance are perceived to be flawed,” Mr Sayeed said. “Gazal represents someone who knew what she needed to do to make life better, and when people attempted to stereotype her or say she couldn’t do it, she proved them wrong.”

She earns a professional salary as a Founder of ‘The Growing Stars’ Coaching Centre. Later She Regietred Her own trust “M.A. Memorial Trust” with her father’s motivation  for a non-profit, working with homeless or near-homeless people in the Slum area.

The social work has given her a different view of M.A.Memorial Trust” unit ‘Let’s Help’. She does see some people who would rather collect aid than work. But that’s a lifestyle that few people choose, she said. “There are a certain percentage of people that simply work the system,” she said, “but I don’t see a lot of folks taking advantage  not with the limited amount of assistance that’s out ther A decent work will be triple what you ever make in the system.”

Mr. Sayeed said he’s more likely to see needy people not getting enough help. Thats why he love to work for them, and he motivated to his Friends, Family. Mr Sayeed’s Daughter Gazal , son sameer and his younger Daughter Runa Love to help in his Social work.

Mr.Sayeed Registred Trust on his Father’s name Late ‘Mohd. Ayub Sheikh’.  Gazal said ‘M. A. Memorial’ Trust is committed to providing sustainable development for the underprivileged and vulnerable members of the population with special focus on children and persons living in difficult circumstances by acting as a facilitator through community development providing education, vocational training, health awareness and service, shelter, nutrition counseling, recreation, rescue and rehabilitation, repatriation awareness on rights, emergency relief, capacity building, fundraising, socio-economic, cultural and spiritual development regardless of race, sex, religion or politics to achieve goals.

Gazal & Mr. Sayeed is proof to Other that it can be done. And, now They are doing something they never could have done without the state’s help and education. ‘Education is the only thing that’s going to get you into higher position brackets, unless you are one in a million,” Gazal said.


They Believe -Helping hands are better than praying lips. We have to look for people who are in need of our help. Doing help without expecting anything from them .Helping others could make another person feel better either inside.

Let’s Help Others! is one of the goals of M.A.MemorialTrust’s Unit ‘LET’S HELP’.

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