After a valiant battle with cancer, our daughter ‘Yogyashree’ has passed on. It seems unfair that her illness was properly diagnosed only three months ago and she is already gone.

I hope good memories can help ease the pain of this loss.
She Belonged to second world war martyr Thakur Jalu Singh Mertiya’s family. We loved and admired her dearly. Few people can be productive as she was throughout her life. Because she was so bright and had such vitality, I am sure she would have suffered greatly had she lived much longer in her condition. Although we hate to lose her, we are glad she didn’t have to suffer long. Sometime in the near future.

Only a moment you stayed, but what an imprint your footprints have left on our hearts.” (‘Vijay Singh Rathore’ Father)
“Those we have held in our arms for a short while we hold in our hearts forever.” (Sanju Kanwar Mother)
“Parents hold their children’s hands for just a little while … but their hearts forever.” (Ajay Singh Rathore Uncle)
“Our joys will be greater, our love will be deeper, our life will be fuller because we shared your moment.” (Neema Kanwar (भाभो)/ elder Grandmother)
“And we wept that one so lovely should have a life so brief.” (Renu Kanwar Grandmother)
“A gift for such a little while, your loss seems so wrong, you should not have left before us it’s with loved ones you belong.” (Pooja Kanwar Aunt)
“May you find peace and joy with each butterfly that passes by, knowing that your baby lives on in the hearts of all she touched.” (Virendra Singh Rathore)
She was a sweetheart. Everyone who met her just could not stop talking about her. She is going to be relentlessly missed by everyone. ( विक्रम सिंह धोधलिया elder Uncle)

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