Time and space define our experience of the world. Human life at any given moment is the product of the complex interplay of time and space.

JKK is one such space that holds countless spaces within its architectural space.

This photography exhibition focuses on JKK’s limitless fecundity of spaces. With photographers’ frames, They have attempted to capture and un capture the simultaneity of spaces.

If you’re in Jaipur, come and join them on their exhibition and witness how time and spaces have played a crucial role in defining our frames.

Exhibition details can be found below.

Spaces in Spaces
Photography Exhibition in Jaipur

Dates – 20th – 27th September
Timings – 11 am to 7 pm
Venue – Surekh and Sukriti gallery, @jawaharkalakendra
on Instagram as @_kathago_. Install the app to follow Kathago photos and videos. https://www.instagram.com/invites/contact/?i=bg1um6vw9akt&utm_content=2vbp2ba

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