It brings us great pleasure to announce that ‘Rajesh Kumar’ has recently taken on the position of Photojournalist here at the Jaipur Explore. We welcome Rajesh Kumar, our professional photographer, who will shoot all of our properties.
He provides a wide range of photographic services including high-quality interior and exterior shots, elevated and twilight photography.

I want to bring the viewers an inside look into the photographic process. Have you ever seen a photo and felt so inspired you needed to know how it was created? I think there are so much passion and inspiration lost between the camera and the finished product that the viewer sees on their screen. I think there is magic in the process of creating. As a photographer, I’m already familiar with the tools and tricks of the craft. I’m hoping that gives me insider information to ask the right questions to bridge the gap between viewer and photographer to help them experience a deeper meaning in each photograph they see.; Rajesh Kumar said to Jaipur Explore

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